What is the Vee-String Menstrual Function?

/, Vee-String Tips/What is the Vee-String Menstrual Function?

What is the Vee-String Menstrual Function?

Throughout the years I have been asked this question many times.  So I thought I’d try to explain it here in a bit more detail.

The Menstrual Function on the Sheath Vee-String, Masturbator with Sheath Vee-String and Sheath with Urinating Bladder Vee-String is simply a latex pouch on the side of the tube.  There’s a hole in the side of the sheath.  It comes with a two ounce bottle of theatrical blood and a dozen small reclosable plastic bags.  You place the blood in the bag and poke a small hole in the bag with something like a pin.  Place the bag in the pouch with the hole close to the bottom of the pouch.  As the blood warms to body temperature, it starts flowing out the sheath.  You can use tampons, but to protect your clothing, it is recommended you use sanitary napkins as well.

I hope this little blurb helps to clarify any questions one may have.  And keep the questions coming.

Happy Dressing –


By | 2017-09-27T17:11:35-07:00 August 9th, 2014|Feminine Illusion, Vee-String Tips|Comments Off on What is the Vee-String Menstrual Function?

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